Friday, January 28, 2011

Have you read this before?

Don't we think about Jesus as this amazing man who ministered to people wherever he went?  He cared for people, healed them, forgave them, blessed them...etc.  Yesterday I was reading in Matthew the story of Jesus death and resurrection.  After his resurrection verse 55 of chapter 27 says this:  "There were also many women there looking on from a distance, who had followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering to him.Jesus needed to be ministered to.  I have read this so many times and never picked up on these three words before.  Then this morning I was reading Mark chapter 1 about Jesus temptation, when he was in the wilderness.  "And he was with the wild animals, and the angels were ministering to him."

Have you ever picked up on this before?  Jesus being ministered to?  The Rabi/teacher, the Son of God needed to be ministed to.  I love that.  I love reading that he was cared for, prayed for, encouraged and loved on.  I think that we don't picture Jesus being ministered to but knowing that he was makes him even more relateable to me. I respect the women who cared for his needs.  Notice that it says "many women".  Then again when he was in the wilderness and "the angels were ministering to him." 

You see, he understands where you are.  He understands when you are lonely, when you are tired, when you need encouragement, when your scared...etc.  He knows what it feels like to be deserted (he was) and he knows what it is like to be ministed to (he was).  He has poured out his Holy Spirit to reside in us.  We have the comfortor with us all the time.  

Do you need ministered to?  Get plugged in at a church.  Find a small group.  Call a pastor.  Call a friend.  You also can minister to others.  Call a friend.  Encourage your pastor.  Send a card to someone.  We all need it!!

Have a great day.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Blog Part 2

For a while now I have had a sense that I am in a new season in my life and it's time to begin a new blog.  You may wonder how I came up with the title for my new blog so I will explain. 

About five years ago God invaded my life - I mean invaded.  Deep and personal and he was wrapped all around it.  It's difficult to explain it all but God began a process of showing me the depth of a deep and personal relationship with him and that surrendering completely to him was the best way to go.  In every aspect of my life.  The Lord began by speaking the following words to me from the book of Haggai, of all places.  One day I opened up the scripture to read these words and I knew that God was speaking them directly to me. 

6 “This is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. 7 I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the LORD Almighty. 8 ‘The silver is mine and the gold is mine,’ declares the LORD Almighty. 9 ‘The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the LORD Almighty. ‘And in this place I will grant peace,’ declares the LORD Almighty.”

I wondered at the time if 'The New House' was my heart, my actual home, my family...but I knew that it did not matter, but what mattered was that God had given me a promise.  I look now at the past five years and realize that 'The New House' was all of it.  Don't misunderstand me, none of it was bad before but God wanted a surrendered life.  The New House in my life is new in every way possible.  He has changed my heart, my marriage, my home, my children and most importantly he has changed my relationship with him.  You see complete surrender sounds good - sounds hard to do - and most Christians know that we are suppose to do it, but actually doing it is another thing.  You cannot do it on your own.  You cannot give over your life, your sins, your money, your posessions, your family to God without him.  Oh, and it's not a one time event either.  Daily we have to surrender to him because daily our flesh wants to take the lead.  Here is an example.  The other day Tim and I were praying and as I was praying I began with "Lord, if you could..."  Then I caught myself - "I am telling God what to do again."  So glad when I catch myself.  Anybody know what I mean?

Do you have a new house in your life?  Can you look back and see what God has done?  Or do you desire a new house?  If the first, praise God, if the second, praise God.  Get quiet with him and ask him to recreate you.  Is the refiners fire worth going through?  You bet it is.....