Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Transition Time

Transitions and changes sometimes can be fun.  I have had so many in my life that were so much fun.  I am a person that loves change.  I'm not afraid of change in church, in my home, in my faith walk...but I will be honest.  Hanging in a place of unknown change can really stink.  For two years now we have been in a "waiting on God time."  Ever wait on God for something in your life?  Ever feel like your waiting forever?  Yup, I get that.  Some days I walk confident and other days not so much.

There are quite a few people in my circle of family and friends that are in a place of transition along with unknowns ahead of them.  I was praying for a friend just yesterday who sees this going on within her family.  I see it in mine.  Transition and change can bring stress and it certainly can make you feel down.

But you know what?  I will not stay in that place for long.  WILL NOT!  Because it is the enemy, Satan, who wants me/you to stay there.  He is the one who wants to even make you feel incapacitated and worried.  The TRUTH is that God is for us, that God does have a plan for each of us.  Even when we don't see it.  My mind and my heart know that what awaits on the other side of what I see right now is amazing.  "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen in eternal."  1 Cor. 4:18  I could not face a challenge in my life without Jesus.  No way, no how...he is my strength and I am so grateful for him.

Transition time here ----------

That word eternal at the end of the bible verse is a huge word.  Eternal - Do you know without a doubt that you will be in heaven when you die?  Do you know that Jesus died for your sins and rose again so you can be in heaven with him?  Do you know that he loves you no matter what you've done?  Do you know that he wants to have a relationship with you?  A personal one?  

A relationship with Jesus is simple.  Ask him into your heart.  Tell him that you need him.  I sat down to write and started listening to this song.  I love worshiping him.  Just take time to pray this song to Jesus.  He loves you so much.  

If you would like me to pray with you or you have questions just message me.

1 comment:

  1. Pam: the older I get, the more I see that we are always transitioning - we just don't always realize it. Some of our transitions are good - others perhaps more challenging than we would desire. This morning I read: "The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride." Ecc. 7:8 Isn't that the truth? We rarely know how something will end until we get there, but we have the knowledge that God always knows, God always sees the big picture. And the best part of that picture is eternal life.
